Toe Wrestling

Yes, you read the title correctly. Toe Wrestling is an actual sport with a rich history that was invented in 1974, in Wetton, Staffordshire. Similar to arm wrestling, it also has no time limit and involves locking feet with your opponent. It has 3 rounds and players are judged on a best of 2, out of 3 wins.

Created by four drinkers!

After a Canadian won in 1976, the sport was discontinued for a number of years. Currently, the World Toe Wrestling Championship is held annually in Derbyshire, England. Four drinking buddies, Pete Dean, Pete Cheetham, Mick Dawson, and Eddie Stansfield created and conceptualised this game, this is inclusive of the rules on how to play it. The four had tried inventing other games in an effort to find a sport that the UK could finally have a world champion in.

Winners of The Title

The Olympic Committee has refused to acknowledge the sport. However, it has continued to grow and gain popularity. Mick Dawson was the very first winner and held that title until 1976. Participating players have nicknames that are in line with keeping the light humour of the game. There’s Paul “Toeminator” Beech, Tom “100m” Martin and Alan “Nasty” Nash. Nasty is the current holder of the World Toe Wrestling Championship title.

Final Thoughts On Toe Wrestling

As a contact game, your foot has to come into contact with your opponent’s foot. Both players have to remove their socks, and as a common courtesy and sign of good sportsmanship, players remove each other’s socks and shoes. The rules are simple. You’re required to pin your opponent’s toe for 3 seconds. So the next time you’re looking for a fun, lighthearted game to play with buddies, try toe wrestling and see who will be the ultimate ‘Toeminator’!